Download this spreadsheet to collect a census for new groups under 12 lives.
Download this spreadsheet to collect a census for new groups of 12 or more lives.
Enrollment form for new groups of 12 or more lives.
Agreement form for an employer to sign indicating willingness to fund a health benefit plan for the company's employees.
Use this medical enrollment form for all major medical groups.
Non-Medical Plan Employee Enrollment Form (for use with MEC, Cost Saver)
This is the non-medical enrollment form for employees enrolling in the Preventive Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and Cost Saver ONLY.
Used by employees opting out of coverage for themselves or dependents.
Use this form to re-certify "stale" dated enrollment forms.
Use this questionnaire to gather information about an employee's health history.
This form must be filled out by the agent or broker and sent in with each case submitted to Allied National.
Detailed information about our Freedom Plan options and an agreement for employers who have chosen to use the plan.
Detailed information about our Freedom Hybrid Plan options and an agreement for employers who have chosen to use the plan.
Spanish version of a form that each employee needs to fill out and sign; will be turned in to Allied National by the Agent, along with the signed Plan Sponsor Statement.
Spanish version of the non-medical enrollment form for employees enrolling in the Preventive Minimum Essential Coverage (PMEC) and Cost Saver ONLY.
Spanish version of the Employee 50+ Enrollment Card.
Spanish version of Employee/Dependent Waiver used by employees opting out of coverage for themselves or dependents.
Spanish version of the Employee Enrollment Recertification.
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