The information on this website is provided by Allied National, LLC. While we try to keep the information as accurate as possible, we disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its accuracy or completeness, or appropriateness for a particular purpose. You assume full responsibility for using this website, and you understand and agree that Allied National, LLC is neither responsible nor liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use. The mention of specific products or services at this site does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement by Allied National, LLC unless it is explicitly stated. Information on this website may be changed or updated without notice. Although it is our goal to keep information as up-to-date as possible, information may be out-of-date at any given time since Allied National, LLC has no obligation to update information presented on this website. Allied National, LLC may also make improvements and/or changes in products and/or services described in this information at any time without notice.
See the below topics:
Linking to other websites
Restrictions on use of materials
Privacy Policy
Health Savings Accounts
Contact the webmaster
Linking to Other Websites
This site contains links to other sites. Allied National, LLC has no control over the content or the availability of these sites, and is not responsible for the privacy or the content of those websites.
Restrictions on Use of Materials - Ownership of Content
All content on this Site, including but not limited to all text,images, graphics, video and audio files, logos, icons, photos, products, downloads and software ("Content"), is exclusively owned and copyrighted by Allied National, LLC, with all rights reserved (unless otherwise noted). Any Content that is a trade name, trademark, service mark, logo, slogan, icon or similar identifier is also exclusively owned by Allied National, LLC, whether registered or unregistered, with all rights reserved (unless otherwise noted). If you use Content as permitted by this Site, all ownership and intellectual property rights remain with Allied National, LLC. Allied National, LLC neither warrants nor represents that your use of any Content will not infringe the rights of third parties. Any use of Content not clearly permitted by this Site is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Allied National, LLC.
For purposes of the above paragraphs, "use" includes but is not limited to: copy, reproduce, republish, modify, transfer, sell, incorporate, market, solicit, disclose, broadcast, upload, download, post, transmit or distribute.
All other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners.
Privacy Policy
Our privacy notice describes how your medical information may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.
Comments or questions sent to us via e-mail will be shared with our customer service representatives or other staff most capable of addressing your questions and concerns. We will retain your e-mail until we have made our best effort to provide you with a complete and satisfactory response and then we will either discard it or place it with your file, the insured's file or the group's file.
Note:The e-mail facilities at our Site do not provide a means for completely secure and private communications between us. Your e-mail, like most non-encrypted Internet e-mail communications, may be accessed and viewed without your knowledge or permission while in transit to us. If you consider the information you are communicating to be confidential, please do not use e-mail. In no event should any medical information be transmitted by e-mail. As an alternative, you may contact us by telephone at the telephone numbers and addresses listed under Contact Us.
Health Savings Accounts
Allied National is not involved in the administration of Health Savings Accounts, it does not provide tax, investment or legal advice with respect to such accounts, and it does not have control over, or liability for, HSA administration services.
Contact the Webmaster
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site or your dealings with this website, please contact us at (800) 825-7531 or send an email to the webmaster.