With the school year beginning, that means kids across the country are back to playing sports in middle school, high school and college. In addition to playing for their schools, some student athletes participate in club athletics over the course of the year. As the parent of a student-athlete, you obviously know what’s best for them when it comes to their athletic careers and that includes being prepared for things like injuries in case the schools and athletic organizations don’t have medical coverage. At the high school level, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association worked with various medical associations and governing sports bodies like the National Federation of State High School Associations and determined that it’s important for middle and high school athletes to be covered by medical insurance.
While at the collegiate level, National Collegiate Athletic Association legislation requires all student athletes to have coverage for medical expenses incurred from athletic injuries in order to practice or play. The key thing to know there is the difference between health care insurance programs and accident insurance programs. Health care insurance for student athletes pertains to coverage for non-sport related injuries and illnesses while accident insurance coverage injuries and illnesses while playing sports. That’s why it’s important to check and see if the short-term plan you are planning to purchase includes coverage for injuries incurred while engaged in school or organizational sports. Short-Term Plans Short-term medical plans are a great option for coverage for student athletes if you don’t have coverage, your child’s school or organization doesn’t provide coverage or your plan doesn’t’ cover doctors or hospitals close to your child’s school. Short-term medical is designed to cover every day medical expenses like doctor office visits and outpatient care and, optionally, prescription drug costs. In addition, many short-term health insurance plans cover college athletic injuries as any other illness Allied National has a number of Pivot Health Individual Plans. Enrolling online is easy. Visit here to get started or to learn more about the plans that Allied and Pivot can offer your student-athlete for this year.
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